01) What age are you? (Please circle your answers)
12-15 16-17 18-25 26-30 10+
02) What is your favourite film genre?
Thriller Horror Romantic Comdey
03) What is the reason for your choice?
04)What type of ending do you prefer for a thriller?
A cliff-hanger With Closure With a twist
05) What do you dislike about the following genres?
Romantic Comedy:...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
06) From the following genres, what is your favourite film?
07) Do you prefer a male or female antagonist?
Male Female
08) Do you prefer a pre-title sequence?
Yes No
09) What is the appropriate certification for the folllowing type of genres?
10) Do you prefer to see a live action opening or a image based opening?
Live Action Image Based
Summary of Questionnaire:
From the questionnaire I was able to summarise the answers I received, which will help me towards identifying my target audience for the opening of a movie which I will be making.
After looking through the answers people had given to the questionnaire I was able to see that on general most of the participants favourite film genre was horror. This was due to horror being 'more exciting to watch' and 'keeps you gripped, through tension and suspense'.
With question 4 most participants preferred a thriller film to end with a cliff hanger. This is because it allows yourself as the viewer to ponder over what's happened and allows you to almost create your own ending to the film.
Results of question 5 showed that the main reasons as to why people dislike the Romantic Comedy genre is because it can be 'too lovey dovey', also another reason is that the films in this genre tends to have 'storylines which are very similar' and you can also 'predict the ending'. For the horror genre people disliked the films due to them being 'too gory'.
Question 6 looked at audiences favourite films to do with each of the 3 talked about genres. For Romantic Comedy the main films the participants named were: Love Actually, The Proposal etc. Their favourite Horror films were: Saw, Halloween etc. Finally, their favourite Thriller films were: Seven, The Silence of the Lamb to name but a few.
Most of the participants preferred to have a male antagonist and would prefer to see a pre-title sequence to a film, as it usually sets the tone for what the rest of the film is going to be like.