Monday 17 January 2011

Horror Mood Board

I chose to include this legendary image from the film 'the exorcist' as it is,
iconic to the horror genre of film. Also the conventions of: dark lighting, silhouetted figure, night time etc all are common sights in a horror film. 
This image of a knife with blood covering it, represents that basically all horror films include violence and lots of death!!!!! Usually a murder who will inflict pain upon their victim uses such objects as a knife.
A dark forest is also seen in many horror movies as a place of isolation where the victims can run but can't hide. As well the glowing moon shows the supernatural side to horror movies such as the werewolves coming out when there is a full moon .
This is iconic image from the film: 'the grudge'.  I chose to use this image as it shows the 'monster' silently waiting behind their victim, ready to attack when least suspected!!!
This famous image from the classic film known as 'the omen' shows the religious symbolism which is used in many horror films. Also this is in a graveyard which is yet again a common scene to have in a horror film.
One of the most iconic 'monsters' from a horror film: Michael from the Halloween franchise. Masks are commonly used in the horror genre as it creates suspense of who the person is behind the mask.
One of the most well known horror monsters: Frankenstein. 
One of the first horrors ever made during the german expressionism period Nosferatu. This is Gothic Horror.

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