Thursday, 14 April 2011

Scouting A Location

Our film was set in a forest/woodlands (depicted in the storyboard). For this we needed to decide on a location to film which would be easily accessible to us and not too far to travel to. We needed to find somewhere which was dark enough to give of f the eerie atmosphere to our film. 

Together we all looked at a selection of local parks where we would be able to film. We would visit each of these before deciding where to definitely film. One of the parks we looked at was: Red House Park (situated in great barr), this was a good location to film in, however it was very open spaced, meaning not enough darkness/forest looking areas to film in. The other location we looked at was: Sutton Park, this was a more suitable location to film as it had darken areas and light spaced areas which were both needed in our film. After talking about it we decided to go with Sutton Park for the reasons mentioned but also because it was close to our college and all members of the group would be able to get there without any problems. 

During one of  the trips we made to visit the location (Sutton Park)  we recorded a video mapping out our ideas of what to do when it comes to filming it. Here is that video: 

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